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White Racist Caricatures: Too on the nose — unlike many real life racists (especially in the regions which The Great Migration led Black Americans to)

I’ve just started Them on Amazon Prime, and…. I’m not sure I’ll finish. It’s not necessary. The value of this show is currently being debated by some on Black Twitter, but I’ve determined where it is that I stand. As many of the reviews have said — we’ve seen this already. We’re living it. Why the Black torture and terror feature commemorating our suffering?   Another great question that stirred within me and appeared in the reviews was: What’s up with these white antagonists who are very obviously racist? Especially in regions that attracted many Black Americans during the migration from the south. I live in the Northeast — I have for my entire life. The racism here is unlike any other that I’ve ever heard the south get credit for. It’s covert ops for sure and the undercut is often even more disturbing because it's hospitably performed.  It’s very much like that tweet that discussed the difference between Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden being that one would use the N-word with a h
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The Inquisitor

I started this account on 12/28/2015, according to my initial post that stated the purpose of this blog. Returning after several years and rereading my initial post let me know two things: I did NOT proofread Not much has changed — I’m still passionate about exploring the wide range of ideas/topics, and I still seldom proofread  What has changed, however, includes the following: My level of self-confidence and discipline  My level of education My writing My knowledge of branding (among other things). This is likely to push my commitment in writing.  The revived purpose of this blog is to harbor the research I’ve conducted responding to questions I’ve developed from my ranging curiosities. That isn’t too far from its original purpose — only now, there’s a better explanation of the blog’s intention and a title that reflects it. Spending a lot more time and effort on writing during my college years has brought me back to this. Of all the discipline that college has provided

The Journey of Freelance Journalist: Interview with the delightful Didem Dursun

Interview with artist Didem Dursun - January 17th, 2016 Just this past Monday, I completed an interview with the talented teen artist  Didem Dursun . A German-native, of Turkish decent,  Dursun’s  craftsmanship caught my eye with her watercolor paintings by the rising star and model  Lucky Blue Smith . Her technique and far-from novice abilities shine through in each of her well-detailed works. She agreed to converse with me about her creations via twitter and share the story behind herself and her work. Starting with your name, who is  @didemdursun ​? How old are and where are you from? Didem Dursun is my real name, I turned fifteen in september, my parents are both turkish but I’ve been living in germany my whole life. My goodness! So you are a young artist? When did you start creating?  I’ve been drawing since I can remember! I started using watercolors in 2014 and I’d say it’s my favourite medium at the moment :) You seem to work well with it! It’s displayed in y